Todd Althouse
About Professionalism
Nationally, our Educational Foundation sponsors a Leadership Academy in odd-numbered years. The core Academy curricula is based on The Leadership Challenge. The Academy reaches members with a form of personal and professional training that most would not otherwise receive. The Fraternity holds its National Convention in even-numbered summers and is the primary legislative, elective, and training event of Theta Tau. It is also a celebration for our members and chapters via its award and recognition program. Each Region in Theta Tau also holds at least one Regional Conference per year organized by a Regional Director and a local host chapter.
Location: San Diego, CA
This summer August 10th-12th Rho Beta brothers Alexander Shambrock (delegate) and Bertrand Neyhouse (alternate) attended the National Convention in San Diego. While they were there they learned a lot about how to improve our chapter and accepted two awards for chapter growth. One for having more than 40 members and one for 20% growth.
Location: University of Pittsburgh
This past spring gave brothers a chance to travel to Pittsburgh, PA to attend the regional conference at the University of Pittsburgh. Brothers attended breakout sessions pertaining to chapter budgets, planning events, and recruitment. Brothers also had the chance to network with brothers from Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Picture Located to the Right.
PD Presentations
A couple times a semester during chapter our Professional Development Chair will do presentations to help better our chapters professionalism. This past semester we had a resume workshop and a linked in presentation. These both really benefited our chapter and will help our brothers in the future when looking for jobs.